Is Coffee Good or Bad For Your Health? Survey Says:

Is Coffee Good or Bad For Your Health? Survey Says:

Bethaney Wallace on 11th Jun 2014

Out of all the available beverages, coffee just might be one we drink the most of. As a solid breakfast staple, it’s a drink that many Americans can’t even start the day without. Several more even continue to sip on this caffeinated beverage throughout the rest of the day. It’s simply part of their routine. Even those who opt for caffeine free get as much satisfaction out of the blends as those who drink it at regular strength.

But is it good for you? Or is it bad for you? For years there have been reports as to whether or not coffee should be had. Just as soon as a report comes out stating that a specific number of cups per day is actually healthy, a different journal says it should be avoided at all costs. Or at least drank in very minimal moderation. With all of these back-and-forth results, however, it can be hard to know who to trust, and just what coffee is doing to our bodies. Especially for those who love to drink it on a daily basis.

Even more controversy comes into play when a person is on daily medications or experiences regular aches and pains. Could coffee and excessive caffeine be affecting those levels as well? Could the body be fighting those same issues if it had a specific level of coffee throughout the day? While some of these questions are better answered by a doctor – or a medical expert on caffeine – it’s still important to know just how coffee is affecting your body.

So, is it healthy or isn’t it?

The Pros and Cons of Drinking Coffee

According to the experts, coffee has long since been blamed for ailments – whether mild or serious. And for some, it might actually be the cause of those ongoing headaches or “stunted” growth. But because its effects are so hard to pinpoint, it’s virtually impossible to tell just how deeply coffee affects each person. That is, until they take a hiatus from the substance and compare the differences.

For the most of the population, however, coffee’s benefits actually outweigh the risks. After all, it’s natural – comes from a plant – and acts as a diuretic, which means it can actually help the body rid itself of toxins or other lingering substances. Caffeine can also be a much needed pick-me-up during long days. Even though it can cause a “crashing” feeling for some, it also does so without the use of excess sugar or artificial substances. In contrast, energy drinks offer these same results, but with far more artificial blends and sugars, which not only come with more calories, they’re less healthy on the body.

Other Risks Associate with Consuming Coffee

Overall, it’s been found that the highest risk factors come from a combination of vices. For instance, those who smoke and drink coffee will see far less healthier results than those who just drink coffee, or even vs. those who just smoke.

Before looking into whether or not coffee might be causing you an outside issue, be sure to consider these other factors first. Talk to your doctor, or simply look at your daily habits, such as drinking, eating unhealthy foods, levels of exercise, etc. While coffee might not be unhealthy on its own, combining it with other unhealthy activities can actually magnify their effects.

Coffee lovers and dabblers alike can rejoice in the fact that drinking coffee alone is shown to be fairly healthy. Talk to your doctor or start incorporating the beverage into your daily routine to start reaping its ongoing benefits.